Nkawkaw-New Abirem Road 98% Completed

President Akufo-Addo, as part of a three-day tour of the Eastern Region, inspected ongoing work on the 112km Nkawkaw-Abirem-Ofoase-Akim Oda Road.
The Nkawkaw – New Abirem section, awarded to Messrs Volta Impex Ltd is currently 98.2% completed.

Works on the new Abirem-Ofoasekuma section, which was awarded to Messrs First Sky Ltd, is also 92% complete.

While the section of Ofoasekuma – Oda awarded to Messrs Erdmac Company Ltd is currently 56.9% completed.

The following are among the roadworks that have been completed:

1. Widening the existing road to the standard width of 11.3m, including shoulders.

2. Improved vertical and horizontal alignment to improve overall road safety.

3. Installation of u-drains in all major towns along the corridor, as well as trapezoidal drains at major cut sections of the road.

4. Installation of various-sized crossed drainage structures at low-line areas and water crossing points.

5. Provision of road safety furniture to improve overall road safety.

6. Pavement constructed with a 150mm natural gravel subbase and a 60/40 mechanically stabilized base.

The President expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the work.

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