Roads Ministry Inspects Progress on Major Accra Road Projects, Declares 2023 an Action Year for the Road Sector

The Minister for Roads and Highways, Hon. Kwasi Amoako-Attah, on January 3, 2023, the official first working day of the year, and a team of engineers inspected the progress of work on some major road projects in Accra.
The first stop for the Minister was at the school Junction to the Motorway Road project. The road being constructed by Messrs Oswal Investment Ltd currently stands at 43 per cent and is expected to be completed in June 2023.
The road leads to the new Olympic Size Stadium being built at Borteyman to host the 13th Africa Games this year. When completed, the project will also reduce travel time and improve safety for goods and people moving from Ashale Botwe, School Junction, Nmai Dzorn, and Borteyman to the Motorway.
The Minister declared that “2023 will be an action year for the road sector,” expressing his satisfaction with the standard and progress of work.

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